
5 Common But Embarrassing Symptoms You Should Definitely Talk to Your Doctor About

hpv in women :: Article Creator HPV-related Cancers Increasing Among Women Cervical cancer is increasing among women in the the United States. A new study shows less women are getting screened as rates go up in rural areas. OBGYN Physician Dr. Kimberly Callegari from Kaiser Permanente Los Angeles discusses what you can do to protect yourself. HPV Knows No Gender: Why A Women-only Approach Falls Short Conversations about the human papillomavirus or HPV, have become increasingly common in the past few years. However, the discussion is often times limited to cervical cancer, with recommendations focused on vaccinating girls and women against HPV as prevention. HPV however, can also cause cancer in men and there is a lack of dialogue and knowledge regarding the benefit of vaccinating boys and men. HPV-related infections can lead to penile, anal, or oropharyngeal cancer in men. Hence, it is equally important to vaccinate men against HPV. HPV and ...

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) during pregnancy

natural cure for bacterial vaginosis :: Article Creator Bacterial Vaginosis An STI, A Simple Cure, Lasting And Sure! The recurrence of BV is reduced by half when both partners in a one-partner relationship undergo treatment. For years, bacterial vaginosis (BV) has been misunderstood. Women battled recurring infections, unaware that their partners might be the key to lasting relief. Now, groundbreaking research proves BV is an STI, and a simple partner treatment could be the game-changer we've been waiting for 'Did you know?BV is not just an imbalance but a sexually transmitted infection' Advertisement Why BV is a Serious Concern Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is a common condition that affects nearly one-third of women worldwide. While it may seem like a minor infection, BV is linked to serious health risks, including infertility, premature births, and newborn deaths....

Travel-Related Diagnoses Among U.S. Nonmigrant Travelers...

cns tuberculosis :: Article Creator World Tuberculosis Day: Extra-pulmonary TB A Growing Concern In Himachal Extra-pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) is emerging as a growing concern for the medical community in Himachal Pradesh, affecting organs beyond the lungs, including the lymph nodes, pleura, bones, joints, central nervous system and genitourinary tract. Given that Himachal Pradesh is endemic to tuberculosis, the disease remains a major health challenge. However, the absence of classic TB symptoms — such as evening fever, loss of appetite, and weight loss — often leads to delayed or missed diagnosis in many patients. "Patients suffering from unexplained ill health for a prolonged period often end up being diagnosed with extra-pulmonary tuberculosis. This form of TB may or may not involve the lungs and can affect any organ in the body, from head to toe," explained Dr Sanjay Aggarwal, a Solan-based surgeon. Elaborating on its complica...

A Patient's Guide to Pneumonia: Causes, Treatment and Prevention

whats herpes :: Article Creator Genital Herpes Content The herpes virus is transmitted through breaks in the skin and through moist membranes of the penis, vagina, urinary opening, cervix or anus as well as the tongue, mouth, eyes, gums, lips, fingers and other parts of the body during oral, vaginal or anal sex. It is also possible for a person to infect themselves if they touch a sore and then rub or scratch another part of their body. Once inside the body, the herpes virus infects healthy cells. The sores, blisters and swelling are a result of the body's efforts to fight the virus. The herpes virus can survive for a few hours outside the body but it is unlikely to be contracted from contact with toilet seats, hot tubs or other objects.

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) during pregnancy

hcv rna :: Article Creator Crystal Structure Of The RNA-dependent RNA Polymerase From Hepatitis C Virus Reveals A Fully Encircled Active Site World Health Organization. Weekly Epidemiological Record 72, 341–344 (1997). Rice, C.M. In Fields virology 3rd edn (eds Fields, B.N., Knipe, D.N. & Howley, P.M.) 931–959 (Lippincott–Raven Publishers, Philadelphia; 1996). Google Scholar  Takamizawa, A. Et al. J. Virol. 65, 1105–1113 (1991). CAS  PubMed  PubMed Central  Google Scholar  Hwang, S.B., Park, K.-J., Kim, Y.-S., Sung, Y.C. & Lai, M.M.C. Virology 227, 439–446 (1997). Article  CAS  Google Scholar  Yamashita, T. Et al. J. Biol. Chem. 273, 15479–15486 (1998). Article  CAS  Google Scholar  Poch, O., Sauvaget, I., Delarue, M. & Tordo, N. EMBO J. 8, 3867–3874 (1989). Article  CAS  Google Scholar  Behrens, S.E., Tomei, L. & De Francesco, R. EMBO J. 15, 12–22 (1996). Article  CAS  Google Scholar  ...

Garlic for Yeast Infections? Probably Best To Skip It

quinsy :: Article Creator Rhian Sugden Breaks Silence After Slamming Corrie Star Husband For Going Out Drinking While She Was In Hospital RHIAN Sugden has mocked her husband Oliver Mellor after "going out drinking" after she was taken to A&E.  The 38-year-old model took to her Instagram Stories across the weekend after both she was knocked out with nasty virus, Quinsy.  6 Rhian Sugden shared her frustration about her husband on Instagram across the weekendCredit: Instagram 6 Rhian made light about her outburst and argument in new postsCredit: Instagram 6 She blamed the moment on a 'fever dream' moment while illCredit: Instagram Quinsy, also known as a peritonsillar abscess, is a severe and painful complication of tonsillitis, which causes fever, throat pain and trouble opening the mouth.  In the post, she swiped at her husband, Corrie star Oliver Mellor, for spending time with pals instead of look...