Upstate New York: Jefferson County reports increase in gonorrhea cases - Outbreak News Today

By NewsDesk  @infectiousdiseasenews

Health officials with Jefferson County Public Health in upstate New York are reporting an increase in gonorrhea cases in 2020.

Image/Jefferson County Public Health Service

Authorities report 105 gonorrhea cases to date in 2020, compared to the 97 cases reported in all of 2019.

Many people with gonorrhea don’t have any symptoms and don’t feel sick. If you are sexually active, you should get tested for gonorrhea and other STIs, the health department wrote on their Facebook page yesterday.

Gonorrhea is an STI caused the bacterium, Neisseria gonorrhoeae. This bacterium can infect the genital tract, mouth and rectum of both men and women.

Symptoms of gonorrhea usually appear with 2 to 5 days after sexual contact with an infected partner, occasionally symptoms make take longer to appear.

At-home testing for Gonorrhea. Get lab-certified results in a few days and have a prescription sent to your pharmacy. Order now!

In women, infection may be asymptomatic. If present, the early symptoms of gonorrhea are often mild. The first symptoms in women are frequently; painful or burning sensations when urinating, an increase in discharge (yellow or bloody) and bleeding after intercourse.

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Men have symptoms more often than women and they may include; a white, yellow or green discharge from the penis with pain, burning sensations during urination, and painful, swollen testicles.

Gonorrhea can be treated with antibiotics.


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