Rash behind ear: Causes, other symptoms, and treatment - Medical News Today

A rash behind the ear may occur due to a variety of different medical conditions. Certain viral infections and autoimmune diseases may cause a rash behind the ear in both children and adults. While some causes, such as contact dermatitis, are not concerning, other causes, including rubella, may be more serious.
In this article, we look at some of the causes of a rash behind the ear, as well as the other symptoms that they may produce and how to treat them.
Contact dermatitis is an allergic reaction to a particular substance.
If an allergy-inducing substance comes into contact with the skin behind the ear, a rash can form.
Allergens that may cause contact dermatitis behind the ears include:
- shampoos
- soaps
- other hair care products
For example, hair dye products contain an ingredient called paraphenylenediamine (PPD), which is a
Contact dermatitis causes itchiness, dryness, and flaking of the skin that came into contact with the allergen.
A doctor will
Then, the doctor will assess the person's symptoms and check the results of a patch test.
In some cases, they may need to perform a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis.
When possible, avoiding the substance that triggers the rash or reaction is the
A doctor may sometimes recommend topical or oral corticosteroids to reduce inflammation and itching.
Over-the-counter and prescription oral antihistamines may also help relieve itchiness.
Some people may find that applying cold or wet soaks to the skin soothes it and relieves itching. They can also apply moisturizers.
People with scalp psoriasis have discolored plaques of thickened skin that can appear behind the ears.
The plaques can become itchy and flake, resulting in a dandruff-like appearance.
Other symptoms of scalp psoriasis include:
- silvery-white scales
- dry scales
- dry, cracked scalp
- itching
- pain
- burning
- hair loss
Doctors can generally diagnose psoriasis by examining the lesions on the skin.
People with scalp psoriasis can use topical treatments, as they typically have mild involvement of the rest of the skin.
Some people
The topical agents that people may use to treat scalp psoriasis include:
- coal tar
- vitamin D analogs
- corticosteroids
- other various forms of shampoos with oils and other ingredients that aim to soothe and reduce the symptoms
However, the hair on the head can make these treatments difficult to apply. As a result, some people may stop using the products.
Localized ultraviolet B therapy is an alternative to topical medications but is a more
Systemic drugs remain off-label for the treatment of scalp psoriasis. These drugs include:
- methotrexate
- cyclosporin A
- biological therapy
Intertrigo can occur at any age, but young people and older adults have a higher chance of developing it. People with a weakened immune system are also at higher risk. Some babies may develop intertrigo behind their ears due to drooling when they sleep.
Intertrigo can occur when skin rubs against another area of skin in a part of the body that is subject to moisture and friction. As a result, the skin can become inflamed.
Other bodily secretions, such as saliva, sweat, urine, and feces, can irritate the skin and cause intertrigo.
Symptoms of intertrigo include:
- flushed skin
- itchiness
- stinging
- a burning sensation
Doctors need to inspect the skin to identify the type of rash.
A careful examination may reveal secondary bacterial or fungal infections that may require different treatments.
First-line treatment options include:
- zinc oxide ointments
- petrolatum
- talcum powder
- aluminum sulfate
- calcium acetate solution
- low potency corticosteroids
If the doctor diagnoses a secondary bacterial or fungal infection, the person may require antibacterial or antifungal treatment, such as:
- topical erythromycin
- topical clindamycin
- chlorhexidine
- Whitfield's ointment
- topical mupirocin
Some people may have infections that require oral antibiotics, such as penicillin and clindamycin, or oral antifungals agents, such as fluconazole.
Rubella, also known as German measles, is a rare viral infection that affects children and young adults who are not immune.
According to a
However, in pregnant women, if rubella develops within the first
The CDC state that
However, if symptoms do appear, they will typically differ slightly between children and adults.
Other symptoms that can appear 1–5 days before the rash include:
- a headache
- low grade fever
- discomfort
- a cough
- swollen lymph nodes
- a mild case of pinkeye
- a runny nose
Adults with rubella typically experience a mild illness and have a sore throat, low grade fever, and a rash that first appears on the face before spreading to the rest of the body.
A person is contagious from
As the symptoms of rubella are sometimes mild and nonspecific, doctors may sometimes find it challenging to diagnose basd on a physical examination.
Serology testing for rubella is more accurate.
With serology testing, doctors check for rubella-specific immunoglobulin M antibodies. These antibodies are detectable about
The incidence of rubella has
Rubella has no cure, which is why prompt intervention is necessary if symptoms develop.
Management typically involves supportive treatments, such as fluids, antipyretics, or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for fever and aches. Some people may receive a combination of these.
The virus rubeola causes measles.
People can get the measles from other people via airborne particles.
The measles rash occurs behind the ears and along the hairline. It can descend to the face, trunk, arms, and legs.
According to the
Children under the age of 5 years and adults over the age of 20 years are more likely to experience complications. These can range from diarrhea to pneumonia and encephalitis. Encephalitis is the inflammation of the brain.
Doctors describe
During the prodromal stage, people may experience:
- high fever
- malaise
- inflammation of the nasal passages
- inflammation of the inside of the eyelids
- dry cough
In the eruptive stage, the person develops a rash behind the ear and along the hairline, which can spread to the face, trunk, and extremities.
In the last stage, the rash starts to disappear in the same order in which it appeared.
Fever and general malaise may resolve
To diagnose measles, doctors look at the person's symptoms, the spread of measles in the community, and the results of laboratory tests.
Blood tests can check for specific immunoglobulins and can isolate the virus that caused the infection.
Getting vaccinated can help
According to the
In infants, a rash behind the ear can occur due to:
Cradle cap
Another name for cradle cap is seborrheic dermatitis.
Cradle cap appears in areas of the body with plenty of sweat glands, including the scalp.
Sometimes, babies may develop cradle cap behind their ears.
In infants, cradle cap may cause the following symptoms:
- yellow crust on the skin
- flushed skin with white or yellow flakes
- inflammation
Cradle cap does not typically agitate the baby, but parents or caregivers should check the scalp for signs of infections.
Doctors will carefully examine the scalp of an infant with suspected cradle cap because many other skin conditions may appear similar.
Infants with cradle cap will present with thick, greasy scales that do not cause itchiness.
Other conditions that may resemble cradle cap include:
- eczema
- fungal infections
- psoriasis
- rosacea
According to the United Kingdom's National Health Service (NHS), a parent or caregiver can:
- wash the infant's hair regularly using baby shampoo
- gently brush the scalp with a soft brush
- apply baby oil, petroleum jelly, or vegetable oil to the affected areas overnight and wash them in the morning using baby shampoo
A person should avoid using soap, peanut oil, and adult shampoos. They should also avoid picking the crusts as this may cause infection.
Many different medical conditions can cause a rash. People with unexplained rashes should speak with a doctor or other healthcare provider.
Additional symptoms, such as fever, malaise, or nausea, may be associated with an infection and require immediate medical attention and treatment.
Repeated scratching that exposes the skin can cause a rash to become infected. Anyone who develops an infection from a rash should see a doctor.
Different skin conditions, such as contact dermatitis and psoriasis, can cause rashes to appear behind the ears.
People who contract infections such as rubella and measles may present with a rash.
In infants, a rash behind the ear is more likely to be due to cradle cap or intertrigo.
Any rash that occurs along with fever and other systemic symptoms, does not resolve on its own in a few days, or causes significant distress requires medical attention.
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