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early signs of tuberculosis :: Article Creator

What Are The Causes Of Tuberculosis? Know The Importance Of Early Diagnosis For Timely Intervention

Tuberculosis, (TB) is a bacterial infection that takes a toll on the lungs. It is considered as top infectious killer. Millions of people with TB are unaware of their health status, suffer in silence, and lose their precious lives. The symptoms of TB are cough, constant cough with mucus or blood, fatigue, weight loss, fever, breathing problems, fever and chills. TB spreads through the air when an infected person coughs, sneezes or speaks.

The cause: 

When we spoke to Dr Abhik Banerjee, Zonal Technical Chief East and Pathologist at Apollo Diagnostic, Kolkata, he said conditions like HIV/AIDS, diabetes, or certain medications can make you more susceptible. Smoking tends to damage the lungs and raise the chances of TB.  If left untreated, TB can cause permanent scarring of lung tissue, leading to breathing difficulties. Apart from this, one can suffer from pleural effusion which means the fluid can accumulate between the lungs and chest wall, causing chest pain and breathing problems. TB can infect the bones of the spine, leading to back pain and possible spinal cord compression. It is the need of the hour to diagnose TB without any further delay for prompt treatment and outcome.

The diagnosis: 

Early diagnosis of tuberculosis is a ray of hope for patients.  It transforms a potentially devastating journey into a manageable path, saving lives and protecting communities from this fatal disease. Remember, every moment counts in the race against TB. Everyone is advised to consult an expert on experiencing symptoms such as cough and breathlessness. AFB  smear, Gene Xpert test, TB DNA PCR, TB culture, and drug sensitivity are the other critical tests for TB diagnosis and initiate timely management. The Mantoux tuberculin skin test (TST) and the blood test, called the interferon-gamma release assay (IGRA), CT scan, x-ray, sputum, and lung fluid are some of the other measures. Quick diagnosis allows for prompt treatment, reducing the risk of severe complications and mortality. Early diagnosis will be beneficial when it comes to isolating infectious cases and preventing the spread of TB to others. Early diagnosis in vulnerable populations (like HIV patients) can be lifesaving as it will be possible to come up with an appropriate treatment plan.

The last word: 

When it comes to battling TB, accurate diagnostic measures are a powerful tool for yielding positive treatment outcomes. The goal is to prevent the silent spread of TB within communities and ultimately save countless lives. Currently, advanced diagnostic facilities are not just identifying a disease; we're illuminating paths to recovery, resilience, and a tuberculosis-free future. Now, patients are being empowered to fight TB without any hesitation and by making informed choices. The treatment after diagnosis of TB will be as per the recommendations of the doctor and may vary from person to person. Patients will be advised medication and rest to be able to recover swiftly. Those with TB should take charge of their health and adhere to the guidelines given by the doctor.

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Symptoms Of Tuberculosis As TB Levels Rise By 11% And 'disease Remains Serious Public Health Issue'

Health bosses are urging people to look out for signs of tuberculosis following a rise in levels across the country.

The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) says the disease remains a serious public health issue in England. Data published today shows that reported notifications of TB increased by 11% in 2023 compared to the previous year.

There were 4,855 notifications of the disease in 2023, compared to 4,380 in 2022. However, England still remains a low incidence country for TB, with a rate of 8.5 notifications per 100,000 population.

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Overall, the increase in reports in 2023 was seen in both UK-born and non-UK born populations. Around 80% of all TB notifications in 2023 were in people born outside the UK. The most common countries where non-UK born TB cases came from were India, Pakistan, Nigeria, and Romania.

The UKHSA says tuberculosis continues to be associated with deprivation and the infection is more common in large urban areas. TB rates remain highest in London, at 18.7 notifications per 100,000 people. For those born in the UK, TB is more common among those who experience homelessness, drug and alcohol dependence and have had contact with the criminal justice system.

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Although numbers remain low, there was an increase in drug-resistant infections requiring longer and more complex treatment. Of lab-confirmed TB notifications in 2023, 2.4% were multi-drug resistant. UKHSA has a Whole Genome Sequencing diagnostics programme in place, which means that it can diagnose drug resistance much more quickly than with traditional methods, helping people get the most effective treatment sooner.

Dr Esther Robinson, head of the TB unit at UKHSA, said: "TB is curable and preventable, but the disease remains a serious public health issue in England. If you have moved to England from a country where TB is more common, please be aware of the symptoms of TB so you can get promptly tested and treated through your GP surgery.

"Not every persistent cough, along with a fever, is caused by flu or Covid-19. A cough that usually has mucus and lasts longer than three weeks can be caused by a range of other issues, including TB. Please speak to your GP if you think you could be at risk."

TB is the world's leading cause of death from a single infectious agent, having surpassed coronavirus (Covid-19). It is a bacterial infection that most frequently affects the lungs, which is when it is infectious. The WHO estimates that 10.8 million people were ill with TB in 2023, a 7% increase from 2020.

Symptoms of tuberculosis (TB)

Symptoms include:

TB can also be found in other parts of the body beside the lungs, with symptoms including swollen glands and joints. It can be treated with a long course of antibiotics but can be serious, particularly if not treated.


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