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The Secret Science Of GUM

The Secret Science of Gum - American Chemical Society

What is gum made of today?          

Gum base gives gum that bounce-back texture that makes it fun to chew. Each company keeps their special recipe for gum base a secret, but there is something we can tell you... All gum bases are made of three kinds of ingredients which give gum its special properties:

  • Resin -  the main part you chew
  • Wax - softens the gum
  • Elastomer - adds flexibility
  • Gum base often contains polyethylene (pah-lee-eth-leen), a long molecule that's also used to make plastic bottles and plastic bags.

    How do scientists make gum taste good?

    Companies that manufacture gum have chemists working in laboratories to make gum better. One idea is to trap the sweetener and flavoring in the gum so that the flavor gets released more slowly. This makes the great taste last longer!

    Where does the flavor go?

    As you chew, the sweetener and flavoring dissolve in your saliva and spreads over your tongue. Yum! Eventually most of the sweetener and flavoring slide down your throat with your saliva and the great taste becomes a memory. Gum base does not dissolve in saliva. This is why you lose the flavor, but not the gum.

    Gum Disease

    Gum disease is basically the beginning of destruction of the structures supporting the teeth – the periodontium and the bone. Although aged people are more prone to suffer from gum diseases, this disease also affects children. Gum disease begins with build-up of bacteria in plaque and tartar deposited on the teeth and if untreated may cause irreversible damage to teeth and gums.


    Gum disease is an inflammation of the gums that can progress to affect the bone that surrounds and supports your teeth. It is mainly caused by the germs in plaque.  Apart from this, there are few factors that cause gum disease such as -

    Lack of oral hygiene: It is one of the most common causes of gum disease. Poor oral hygiene causes plaque and tartar to get deposited on your teeth, causing irritation in the gums thereby leading to gum disease.

    Dental problems: Some of the common dental issues such as improper position of teeth, faulty or irritating tooth fillings and dentures, partially impacted wisdom tooth and a missing tooth can cause gum disease.

    Diabetes: If your blood sugar levels are not within control, you are more likely to get gum disease. Although the exact reason is still unknown, there has been a strong relation between diabetes and gum disease.Here's how diabetes affects your teeth and oral health.

    Certain medications: Medications like antihistamines, antidepressants, some seizure medications, immune-suppressants, chemotherapy drugs and medicines for high blood pressure and birth control products are some drugs that cause gum bleeding, dry mouth and ulcers, making you susceptible to gum disease. Read more about gum problems due to medications.

    Hormonal changes: You may suffer from gum disease due to hormonal changes that mainly occur during puberty, pregnancy and menstruation.

    Stress: When you are stressed out, there is an increased production of hormones that reduce saliva production and also decrease immunity thereby predisposing you to gum disease. Here are  7 reasons stress could be bad for your teeth and gums.

    Read more about are these 10 habits destroying your teeth and gums?


    There are three stages of gum disease namely -

    Gingivitis: This is the earliest stage of gum disease, an inflammation of the gums caused by plaque buildup at the gum line. Characterized by bleeding of the gums, the damage caused can be improved.

    Periodontitis: In this case, the supporting bone and fibers that hold your teeth in place are irreversibly damaged. It requires proper dental treatment and improved home care to prevent further damage.

    Advanced Periodontitis: In this final stage, the fibers and bone supporting your teeth are destroyed, which can cause your teeth to shift or loosen. The gum pulls away from the teeth to form pockets and the bone that supports the teeth is destroyed. Once the tooth loses its support, it becomes less functional ultimately leading to its loss.

    Know in detail about various terms related to gum disease.

    Risk Factors

    Some people are more prone to severe gum disease because they may be genetically predisposed to develop gum disease. Apart from this, lack of proper oral hygiene is one of the key factors that increase your risk of suffering from this condition.

    Here are top 10 facts you should know about flossing.


    Gum disease can occur at any age, but it is most common among adults. Initial stage of gum disease often goes unnoticed. As the disease progresses the colour of the gum changes from a healthy pink to bright red. Here are few symptoms of gum disease which require a visit to dentist for proper diagnosis.


    If you notice any of the above signs and symptoms, schedule an appointment with your dentist. Your dentist will first ask you about your past or present gum problems. Your dentist assesses the severity and extent of your gum disease by checking the following:

  • Ask you about your past or present gum problems.
  • Examine your mouth and teeth for signs of red, swollen gums and plaque or tartar on the teeth near the gums.
  • Measure the depth of the pocket below your gums with a probe. The larger and deeper the pocket, the more severe is the disease.
  • Check abscess and signs of teeth sensitivity and mobility
  • Might recommend dental x-ray to look for severity of bone destruction
  • Here is detailed information on how a dentist assesses your gum disease. Treatment

    Treatment options depend on the stage of the disease. However, the main goal of treatment is to reduce inflammation, infection and depth of pockets, stop disease progression and help reattachment of healthy gums to teeth. The common treatment options include –

    Medications: Certain medications like antibiotics and painkillers may be prescribed either alone or along with other treatments to control the gum disease causing bacteria.

    Scaling: Also known as professional cleaning, it one of the most effective treatments of mild to moderate forms of gum diseases. Read more about what is scaling or professional dental cleaning?

    Surgery: For advanced gum diseases, scaling is followed by surgery. It mainly involves surgical restoration of supportive tissues like the bone, gums and periodontium.

    Laser treatment: It is a procedure where laser energy is delivered through optical fibres and is used to cut and clean the surgical area. Here's what you should know about treating gum disease with lasers.

    Read more about why gum disease doesn't always need surgery.


    In gingivitis, a mild form of gum disease, the gums become red and swollen and bleed easily. If left untreated, the bacteria in the plaque invade and destroy the surrounding bone and supporting structure of the teeth leading to periodontitis, a more severe form of gum disease.

    Also, infection of gums can affect heart and other organs and vice versa. Gum disease can happen more often, be more severe, and take longer to heal if you have diabetes. Studies have shown that people with gum disease have a higher risk for heart disease. According to some studies, severe gum disease during pregnancy has been linked to preterm birth and low birth weight.

    Read in detail about how ignoring gum problems could lead to diabetes, heart disease and other chronic conditions!

    Home Remedies

    Here are top 5 effective herbal remedies that might help you to keep gum disease at bay –

    Here is detailed information on 5 herbal remedies to prevent gum disease. Prevention

    You can prevent gum disease by following few simple tips such as –

    Maintaining good oral hygiene: It includes brushing your teeth at least twice a day and flossing once or twice a day preferably after dinner. Here are 8 tips to improve your oral hygiene.

    Eat a well-balanced diet: Deficiencies of folic acid, zinc and iron can cause gum disease and hence, consuming diet rich in antioxidants and essential nutrients helps in the prevention of gum disease.

    Kick the butt: Smoking or using smokeless tobacco increases your risk of developing gum disease. Also, smoking delays wound healing and lowers the chances of treatment success. Read about 25 things that happen inside your body when you smoke.

    Reduce stress. During stress high levels of the hormone cortisol is produced, which wreaks havoc on your gums too.

    Visit a dentist. Even after following all the tips mentioned above, you still need to visit your dentist once in six months or a year.

    Here's more about how to maintain healthy gums.

    More From Gum disease Don't Ignore Gum Diseases! It Could Increase The Risk Of These Health Problems

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    Local inflammation at the gums may provide the primary trigger for the autoimmunity seen in RA

    Know how to keep your gums strong and healthy

    Follow these amazing tips for healthy gums given by Dr Priya Chavan.

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    Acupuncture will help you manage your dental anxiety

    As per study, people who suffer from dental anxiety can opt for acupuncture to get rid of it

    Bad oral hygiene can cause lung, colon cancers

    Patients with severe gum diseases shown to have an 80 per cent increase in risk of developing colon cancer.

    Brush your teeth regularly: Studies show how gum disease bacteria can up risk of esophageal cancer

    Studies also show how some types of oral bacteria were associated with lower risk of esophageal cancer.

    Women with history of gum disease may be at increased risk of cancer

    Women who reported a history of gum disease had a 14 per cent increased risk of overall cancer.

    Can gum disease delay pregnancy?

    A common bacterium associated with gum disease may delay conception in young women.

    Beware! Teeth loss in postmenopausal women may cause death

    Post-menopausal women who suffer from gum disease and tooth loss may be at a higher risk of death.

    How diabetes affects your teeth and oral health

    How diabetes affects your teeth and oral health

    Genes that may cause gum disease identified

    US researchers have identified 41 genes that may cause gum disease.

    Don't Ignore Gum Diseases! It Could Increase The Risk Of These Health Problems

    Gum diseases or periodontitis can lead to a lot of health diseases including cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity and more. Here are all the complications that may occur.

    Premature Birth: Reduce This Risk By Taking Good Oral Care During Pregnancy

    According to Australian researchers, pregnant women with gingivitis are significantly more likely to have premature deliveries. Read on.

    Worried about receding gums? Try our effective home remedies

    If you have receding gums, you need to seek professional help from your dentist. But, along with it, you can also try out some home remedies for relief.

    Today Health Tips: You should avoid these foods to prevent dental problems

    Plaque from food high in sugar or starch content can cause cavities or tooth decay. In this series of today health tips, we will talk about common dental problems and how to prevent them.

    Castor oil: 10 amazing benefits we can vouch for

    Castor oil is a great natural remedy for a host of disorders from skin problems to digestive issues like constipation. Read on to know its benefits.

    There is a link between gum disease and rheumatoid arthritis, says study

    Local inflammation at the gums may provide the primary trigger for the autoimmunity seen in RA

    Know how to keep your gums strong and healthy

    Follow these amazing tips for healthy gums given by Dr Priya Chavan.

    Fight gum diseases with these 5 foods

    Discover these power-packed foods for healthier gums!

    Acupuncture will help you manage your dental anxiety

    As per study, people who suffer from dental anxiety can opt for acupuncture to get rid of it

    Bad oral hygiene can cause lung, colon cancers

    Patients with severe gum diseases shown to have an 80 per cent increase in risk of developing colon cancer.

    Brush your teeth regularly: Studies show how gum disease bacteria can up risk of esophageal cancer

    Studies also show how some types of oral bacteria were associated with lower risk of esophageal cancer.

    Women with history of gum disease may be at increased risk of cancer

    Women who reported a history of gum disease had a 14 per cent increased risk of overall cancer.

    Can gum disease delay pregnancy?

    A common bacterium associated with gum disease may delay conception in young women.

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    Post-menopausal women who suffer from gum disease and tooth loss may be at a higher risk of death.

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    How to maintain healthy gums

    Surgical Abscess Drainage For Crohn's Disease

    Abscesses are a common problem if you have Crohn's disease. They're painful pockets of pus and bacteria that can form in your stomach, pelvis, or around your anus. You'll need antibiotics to treat the infection, but your doctor also might want to drain the pus to help the area heal.

    If the abscess is easily reached by a needle, your doctor might pierce it and draw out the infected fluid through your skin. This procedure is called percutaneous abscess drainage (PAD). Another way is through open surgery, where the surgeon needs to make a bigger cut into the abscess to extract the pus.

    About 10% to 30% of people with Crohn's disease get abscesses. They're caused by swelling that goes through the wall of your intestines, or microperforations – tiny holes – in your bowels. Symptoms include:

  • Painful bowel movements
  • Belly pain
  • A swollen, tender lump at the edge of your anus
  • Pus coming out of your anus
  • Fever
  • In the past, the go-to method for drainage has been open surgery. This involves doing a bowel resection, in which the surgeon removes the damaged part of your small intestine and joins the two healthy ends. Too many of these surgeries can lead to short bowel syndrome. This means there's not enough small intestine left to nourish your body properly.

    People with Crohn's disease are often young, and abscesses can come back. So doctors often choose less invasive ways to treat it when possible, such as antibiotics and/or PAD, at least at first.

    While antibiotics might be enough to get rid of a small abscess, PAD can be ideal for large or single abscesses. Surgery might still be needed after drainage. For example, if you have fistulas or multiple abscesses, PAD might not be enough.

    A survey showed almost 40% of people who were in the hospital for treatment for abscesses were cured solely with antibiotics. PAD and surgery were done about the same number of times – 29% of cases had PAD and 32% had surgery.

    It often comes down to the type of abscess and where it is. Things that may lead to surgery include:

  • The needle can't reach the abscess to do a PAD.
  • An internal abscess is too big to be drained by needle. This might require a larger cut to remove the pus.
  • PAD didn't drain all the infected liquid.
  • The abscess is multilocular, meaning it has more than one chamber that needs to be emptied.
  • There are several abscesses.
  • The abscess is for a fistula.
  • Experts don't have an estimate of how many people who have PAD will need surgery later, and studies don't agree, either. Some experts feel if a diseased part of a bowel goes without being cut out, an abscess is likely to happen again in the future. Some people have an elective or planned surgery to try to avoid future complications, or an emergency surgery.

    The abscess pain should go away after surgery. You might be a bit sore in the area you were cut. It takes about 3 to 8 weeks for an abscess to completely heal, but you likely can get back to normal life in a day or two.

    You'll get anesthesia during the operation. It's often done using laparoscopy, meaning your surgeon will use tiny instruments to make only very small cuts in the abscessed area. Your surgeon will slip a thin, flexible instrument with a camera and light on the end into one of the cuts. The images from inside your body will show on a video monitor.

    Your surgeon will cut out the part of your bowel with the abscess. Usually, there's enough healthy intestine to join the ends. If there isn't, you might have an ileostomy. The doctor will make an opening in the area, usually your belly, so your intestines can drain into a bag outside your body.

    You'll likely stay in the hospital for 3 days so your health care team can check in on you while your body heals. You'll get pain meds as needed, and help with your ostomy bag if you have one. If the pouch is temporary, you'll have another surgery about 2 or more months later to reconnect the healed intestine.


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